Current Groups

Tots & Tunes! Toddler Music Group

Tots & Tunes!

Join us for a fun and engaging music group for children of all abilities, ages 2-4! Make music, dance and sing, all the while working toward developmental milestones! As part of the registration cost, a bag of assorted instruments will be provided to get your tot ready to rock out every week! This group will be held via Zoom, and will be a fun way to socialize with other kids and parents during this isolating time we are living through. In addition to the instruments, parents will also receive a newsletter each week with tips on how to use music at home to help with toddler-hood.

Cost: $96 total ($12 per group, including a bag of assorted instruments sent to your home to get your kiddo ready to jam!)* Price is per household. Additional siblings joining from the same home are free!

Current groups:
Saturdays 11:00-11:30 EST (January 16 - March 6; Make up day March 13th) - FULL!
Wednesdays 11:00-11:30 EST (February 3rd - March 24th; Make up day March 31st) - FULL!

Mondays 5:30-6:00 EST (New Group— Dates TBD when slots fill up)
Saturdays 11:00-11:30 EST (New Group— Dates TBD when slots fill up)

Fill out the form to register! If you have any questions, for more information or to request another time slot, please contact us here!